Website of children’s author Paeony Lewis
We live in Wales and this is how we chose Wye as my daughter Lucy's middle name.
Our surname is Collard so I thought that a middle name beginning with U would be nice, so my baby Lucy’s initials would spell LUC (luck). Then, when I spoke to the midwife, I discovered that the Welsh word for ‘luck’ was ‘lwc’. I decided to use the Welsh spelling (lwc) of luck, so now we needed a middle name beginning with W.
There are not many names beginning with W and none seemed appropriate, but since Lucy was born just by the River Wye I thought Wye would be a good middle name. My husband was not so sure, and the final decision was made on the bus on the way to the registry office.
- Caroline
My best friend, Louie, was named after the song ‘Louie Louie’.
– Emily (10)
My dad wanted to call me Tanya, after a new baby elephant he saw at the zoo when my mum was expecting me. Thankfully, my mum wasn't keen!
- Lynn Huggins-Cooper
We had a cat named Fido because he acted more like a dog than a cat!
Once we had a hamster who escaped from the box we brought him home in from the pet store and my German Shepherd dog had him cornered in the back of the truck. He survived so we called him Lucky.
We have a cat named B’lana after a Klingon on Star Trek Voyager because from the very start she was an adventurer and in charge of things.
- Melissa Markham
(Mom picked my name based on a Soap Opera) character.)
I have a guinea pig called Sooty. He’s black and scruffy, like soot that falls down our chimney.
– Tim
Please note that copyright for all quotes is retained by the individual writer.
Website of Children’s Author, Paeony Lewis © Paeony Lewis 2005
Would you like to contribute to this page? I’d love to hear how you, your family and pets got their names. Or have you heard something interesting about names? Do tell.
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If you’re under 12, please get permission first. Thanks.
I’ve heard that...
Mini Grey, who writes and illustrates amazing picture books, is called Mini because she was born in a car called a Mini!
And did you know...
In the 1960s there was a popular magazine for young teens called Jackie. It was named after the youngest person working at the magazine and her name was Jacqueline Wilson. Yes, the now mega famous author, who back then was just a teenager.
When I was young I was a big fan of the pop star Donny Osmond. So I called my first guinea pigs Donny and Donna. I’m sure it helped make their squeaks musical!
- Paeony
We called our cat Snapper because we thought he’d be tough and snap up all the mice and spiders in our house. He didn’t! Instead, Snapper was a lazy, sweet cat who’d only eat what was in his cat bowl.
- Geraldine
I couldn’t think of a name for my new goldfish. Then I saw a packet of Mr Fothergill seeds behind the fish tank. That planted an idea in my head and now my goldfish is called Mr Fothergill.
- Patrick.